Thursday, November 12, 2009


hi, i am in a state of extreme irritation right now. like the past few days, my mood has been fluctuating between spates of contentment, and intense irritation.

i hate that i could be out singing cheap karaoke at kallang, and instead i am stuck home, using the computer. fucking annoying!!!!! and i can't even begin to explain why i have that need to head out every single night.

seriously why can't i have my cake and eat it too? like for example, have a boyfriend and still be able to go out with my other friends?

i wish i had super powers, like levitation or something, so i can just stare at stuff and they will move to where it belongs. seriously, if i could do that, my room will be as neat as anything. CONFIRM. cause i'm always visualizing where everything should go, and yet i can't seem to move my ass to clear stuff up. >=[

having a migraine now. sucks!

ah gong's birthday on saturday, and A's going off on the weekends to sail. and for the whole of next week too.

friends say that i sound happy whenever i mention the fact that he's going to be away for quite a few months next year onboard his navy ship. LOLLOL. but i'm really quite neutral about it. think i'll miss him a lot. LOL okay i sound like such an ass, i know.

i'm just being grumpy and all cause i can't go out. RAH. irritated ttm.

k. photos can't be uploaded. be back later on perhaps?



proof that i really did go to school.

from the 11th while having a family dinner for the twin's birthday.

and Binghui and i! i've no idea why i always turn out to be the one looking like the ghost when the flash is on. hate my hair. fuck it when is it gonna grow long??!?!?!?!!!!!!

been thinking of curling it though.

effing full. mac's fries for supper = unhealthy + fattening. oh my God.....

anyway, i found out that my mum does read my blog as i've suspected. and she requests that i use lesser vulgarities blablablablabla.

oh well. this is my space to rant though, so we shall have to see about that.

kay have to wake up by ten. fingers crossed that i can wake up and not let exhaustion get the better of me! DETERMINATION AND DISCIPLINE PLEASE!!!!!


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