Friday, November 20, 2009

time after time

"love like this"

so, it's 6:17 am, and the reason this is unusual, is because i am awake at this hour, and this is because i WOKE UP instead of me not sleeping yet, which would be the usual case.

today's the 20th, and the reason i am mentioning this date, is because today marks the 11th anniversary of my relationship with A! which kinda sucks in another way cause it could've been our 13th/one year one month. oh well. he's an ass. HAHA.

anyway, i'm planning to do some nice and thoughtful dedication thing on my blog, but i'm at his place where i don't have any of our pictures save for one or two(note to self:SEND HIM MORE PICTURES!) and i can't really think of much to say now (EARLY HOURS!!!!!)

so..... i will be back. (mwahahahahahaha/evil laughter*) okay lame. HAHA.

got to wake him up at approximately 3 minutes, and God since when did my posts almost all start to be about him? BAD BAD BAD.

by the way, Cyn told me about 'Paranormal Activity' yesterday, and i fucking woke up at 4:57 am and couldn't get back to sleep. her voice was literally in my head, narrating the whole story over again. fucking creepy!!!!! kept imagining weird stuff which is totally BAD.

oh yeah, speaking of movies, that fucker (in the most affectionate way possible) and i kept arguing for the whole day yesterday. i think the fortune teller was right, i do have a bad temper. but the thing about me is that i get soft hearted too easily, though i do keep my stand.

we kept raising our voices at each other and arguing our own points. him about my going to school and my attitude, and me going on about him being ridiculous and irritating.

but i guess one thing that really changed is the way we can't stay mad at each other. sounds sickeningly sweet but it's true. i guess it's something about my face being too cute, and his being too amusing.


anyway we made up, and it was kinda awkward cause my mum heard us quarreling (me shouting at him over the phone) , and i think she got quite annoyed so she shouted "HAO BU RONG YI ZAI YI QI ZUO MO YAO WEI LE XIAO SHI CHAO JIA?!' (it was hard enough getting back together, why fight over little things?!) and at his place we couldn't keep up the cold war act on account of his family being present.

and afterwards i found out that he texted my mum and blamed the fight all on me. WTH!!!!! when it's totally not all my fault lor. MUMMY IF YOU SEE THIS IT'S NOT ALL MY FAULT OKAY! later my own mother side A how sial. i'll totally be damn fucked up.

it's funny cause we're damn pissed at each other, and yet we don't wanna fight, but at the same time we don't wanna give in. fucked up though.

kk got to wake him up. edited post coming up later though.

if you read through this whole post word for word, then good job. :D but i doubt anyone would? except for close friends. hehe

and if you read through this whole post word for word and i made you laugh, then good job me. :D

okay got to go. byeeeeeee.

hold your breath.

ps: happy eleventh, love.

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