Tuesday, August 24, 2010

'the other friend.

okay so what's up with the 'boyfriends aren't allowed to have purely platonic girl friends' kinda thing? i've been hearing way too much from friends complaining about how their significant other is flat out against their mixing with people from the other gender, no matter the social situation.

i know it sounds like crap coming from me, because i've ever used the 'i don't want you to talk to her. if i find out about any nonsense again, you'll find out what i can do. try me' kind of thing. and i kind of regret it. not because i don't like living in peace and not having to worry, but because i hate having to resort to these kinda methods to get my point across. i'm the kind of girl that's all for people having friends, be it of the opposite sex or not. i hate restrictions and i hate having to put my foot down because i don't feel comfortable with the situation, and i hate it being applied to me (trust me, i know.)

however, there's a difference between 'friends who have something going on', and 'purely friends'. i mean come on. surely you can tell the difference? and that's not all. i've noticed that a lot of girls go hating on the girl-friend of their boyfriends, and going all bitchy and hateful. what the hell is up with that?! it really irks me when i hear of such cases, because EH HELLO SHE'S NOT INTERESTED LA. FUCK OFF. and you seriously can't just blame the girl when the whole 'more than friends' thing appears. because it takes to fucking hands to clap! although it is her fault (if it happens) for being totally thick skinned and desperate for fishing around in other peoples ponds/oceans/rivers whatever.

okay in the defense of the jealous, over-protective and paranoid girlfriend, i have to admit that it's highly uncomfortable when you see your boyfriend in such close proximity with a girl friend of his whom he just says is his friend but he keeps hanging around with. you wonder if they're really all he says he is, especially after you find out that he's lying about it time and time again. like that how to trust? if you guys are only friends then you lie so much for fuck? just friends then just come out and admit whatever you're doing ma. so sneaky for what?

ya so boyfriends out there. you better fucking make sure that you don't lie to your girlfriends about such stuff. it's really damn sensitive because it involves other girls. like hello imagine if that's happening to you! you can't expect your girlfriend to be all nonchalant about it right? if she is then either she's super confident of herself or she doesn't give a shit or she really trusts you to the max. (but seriously no such thing la) don't wait till all these shit happen then you start complaining that your girlfriend is a naggy bitch who doesn't trust you. you're the one who started it.

okay and as for the girlfriends. seriously you can't go all out of your way to make your boyfriend's life miserable just because you don't trust him. yes maybe sometimes he's the hardest person to trust, but take a look at yourself, are you that trustworthy? (i'm saying it in a very general way. not pin pointing anybody.) you can't exactly control him. you want something that listens to you most of the time? then get a dog la. for what get a boyfriend and try to keep him on a fucking short leash? he'll be miserable lor. (this is from personal experience. my opinion.)

trust goes two ways. it's very very easy to say that you trust someone, but it's like building a sandcastle. one wash of the waves and it's already half gone. what you need is a brick solid foundation that can build you a real castle, but that only comes by serious effort and earning that kind of trust. rome wasn't built in a day. neither should you expect your other half to give you the full trust. there're too many people out there who misuse trust and give others a bad name. but then again, it might be yourself who's making it so difficult.

 my stand on the whole girlfriend with boy friends and boyfriends with girl friends thing is that you've got to know your limits and draw the line super clearly where it might go blurred. those girl-friends/boy-friends have got to be more conscious of how their actions affect the couple and the boyfriend/girlfriend must know that once you have a girlfriend you have to think for your other half and put yourself into their shoes. likewise, so must the overly paranoid girlfriend/boyfriend. if he/she says that they're just friends/that they don't have anything going on, and the situations in which they see each other in are all surrounded by other friends blabla, then just relax la! why not make friends with the other girl to see how she's like rather than going all paranoid and hateful. which is totally retarded. often enough you'll get to see that the situation isn't what you think it is.

plus you can't take away a persons rights to having friends. you rather he/she lie to you or tell you openly? there's a reason why he's with you and not her. right?

okay, long and extremely wordy post on this matter, and there's that whole other side of issues that i haven't blogged about. i've a project to rush and trash from macdonalds to throw out, so ttfn!


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