Monday, August 30, 2010

'Photos photos photos

webcamming with Whb! obviously that's not her. and she took this at the same time! just that i didn't know it till she tagged this photo of me on facebook.

oh yeah, meet my new fringe. 

i've received a lot of comments about it. the bad ones being really bad and the good ones being..... okay? for example: 

the bad: 
Aldrin: Joh, you look like crap. 
Mingkang Cho: your bangs cmi la! it makes you look fat/ter. (and some other remarks that i refuse to publish here) 
: why does your face look so crumpled? (whereby darren kept laughing and went 'hahaha wtf crumpled face') 
: it's not even straight! ( i think this comment came from him but i can't really remember. but since he said so much anyway i'll just add it on his list.) 
Juncheng + John: it looks a bit weird. 
 Matt: (okay he didn't really say anything bad but over all whatever he teased me about wasn't good either)
Hongguo: 'i can't tahan your bangs anymore' and proceeded to close the videocall (when i forced him to webcam with me so that i can show him my fringe the other night)
Erkan: i prefer your previous one, but this one is okay too.

the neutral: 
Darren: you look like a cat. (wtf?) 
Karen: not much of a difference. 

the good (almost everybody uses the word cute): 
A: bangs girl! (though he says it looks the same, i think he secretly thinks it looks cute. LOL. so i don't care i'm putting it here.) /Hana hana cute la cute la!
A's mum: yes it's nice! you look cute. 
My mum and dad: anyway also nice one la. but this one cute. (hahahaha i'm totally making what they said sound nicer) 
Cyn: you look cute today! 
Huishan: it's about the same but with this one you look cuter. 
Whb: you look nicer/cuter! (can't remember) 
Denise: omg joh you look so cute! you look very different leh! (she was the one who went with me to get my hair cut) 
Jass: you look cute la (: 

okay can't quite remember who else commented? but oh well. i like this cut cause it looks different? haven't changed much of my hairstyle in forever, mainly because i'm still waiting for it to grow to my desired length? and my hair takes forever to grow. 

i can't believe i actually took the time to type all of this out. goes to show how bored i am. urggggg i hate having no cash and having to stay at home. on the bright side, say yay to tomorrow! because it's pay day and allowance day! jumps in glee* 

alright, anyway, about that matter. i found out that he was lying to me a lot. and i don't think i can trust him very much now, and he deserves it. however, this is his last chance. i'm sick of all of the lies, but yesterday was one of the only few times that we sat down and really talked about it calmly without either of us blowing up. i know i've said it too many times before that i'm gonna break up with him, and that i'm sick of him and that blablabla. and i know the previous time with the other girls i told him that he's not supposed to give me anymore nonsense. but before i spoke to him about it, i told myself that if we can work things out then okay, we'll have another go at this relationship. but if not then its bye-bye for us. now that we've more or less settled it, he's gonna have to work extra hard to regain my trust? idk. i'm just gonna give him the benefit of the doubt again for one last time. 

meanwhile, i've got his gold medal with me. if he does anything wrong again i'll throw it in his face. that thing's real heavy for something that's fake gold (hahahahaha) so it'll really hurt. plus the size of his head is so damn big it'll be so hard to miss. ha ha ha. 

alright, imma go webcam with some other people and maybe pack my room a bit. 



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