"you're like sunshine through my window"out with Mabel and John today, to FEP.
bought some stuff like finally. feel so happy, since it's been ages since i've last shopped. Weewee was right it really is therapy.
passed Karen her top at long last, and it was nice seeing her though it was just a mere less than five minutes thing.
met up with one of my besties Rebecca Ho, at her house, and chatted for nearly 5 hours or more till four plus then headed home, after eating tomyam cup noodles at mca. i miss just being able to sit down with my friends and chatting, catching up. Cynthia Neo when is your turn?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
like that day with Weewee, filled more of that empty hole. it really did.
okay, so meeting up with Sebas later on at 12 pm, that idiot says he's cooking pasta, and asked me to eat lunch with him. AND I HOPE I WON'T GET POISONED! then heading to town for a while, then it's off to Kgarden to celebrate Mabel's 18th!
speaking of which.....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR! :D big hug! thanks for being there listening to my @@)#)(@)(*U)(%()& to the max about ______, and all. love youuuuuuuuuuu ! like sincerely (:
kay end. can't stand mushiness like that. like a bit weird hor. -..-
I FEEL LIKE WATCHING MOVIEEEEEEEEEES! seems like damn long since i caught one. last one was what ah. ah forget already. oh well.
okay big fuck. point is i very long never watch movie. i feel like watching movie. :D
RAH. and..... i miss _________________________________________ like ..... a lot.
Bec was browsing through my photos in my phone, and since i don't delete photos, like ever, she came across his photo, the one i took of him at Aston's. there was this sudden 'aw i miss him!' kind of feeling. like literally some emotional gush of xiang nian. or something. can't be bothered to phrase that sentence properly.
ah but whatever la. damn annoying. sings Soulja Boy's :'KISS ME THROUGH THE PHONE'!!!!!!11!!!!
kkay. not actually supposed to blog this long, but i'm like rambling.
and i found out about something about myself that i kind of forgot. like i really dislike people saying kinda insulting things in a joking way. like they totally don't mean it, but it's not very nice to joke about. like i remember there was this polymate of mine that used to say i'm ugly blabla.
like what the fuck right? hellooooo you aren't handsome yourself eh? ya but whatever saw him the next sem and he keep saying i look very different blablahblahblahblah. in your face lah sucker i also never look very different.
okay ya back to the subject. i don't like it lor! like wtf so hurting can! and i don't like people saying i'm fat, though the guys are always saying that i'm fat, and i'm fat annie blah blah. i mean i don't mind it from them la kind of used to it already. but aiya i don't know la.
perhaps its those from strangers or people i don't know well. i remember i nearly cried when that guy keep saying i'm ugly. like ya i know lah but shut the fuck up about it seriously, you're not exactly a looker yourself, far from it too. okay shut up it's over. but yeah i don't like!
and i also don't really like people commenting that 'ee she very fat' or 'she very ugly' or what. like saying anybody lah, no gender difference.
i don't like the word F-A-T either. might be cause i'm sensitive to it, but ya i don't likeeeee.
i mean it's not like i don't comment on people, like i totally do, all the time. but most of the time it's good things like, 'eh she very pretty leh!' or what lah. but ya sometimes i do say stuff that's not flattering for the person, but not to that extent.
in fact i really don't comment that negatively about people. like maybe i'd say 'she's a little bigger sized and curvy la', as compared to 'she's fat!' kay then maybe people will say i'm hypocritical and just choose to sugar coat my words. but ya i just don't like it. no need to be harsh and all, even behind the persons back.
maybe i'll do a 'TEN THINGS I DISLIKE THAT PEOPLE MIGHT DO' think it'll be super long. cause i'm a super long winded person. if it's not obvious by now.
and that day suddenly realized that if girls want to critique other girls in the polite and non insulting way, we'd have to say something like, 'i think she's quite pretty la, but i don't think this hair color suits her.' blahblahblahblahblah. like must compliment first then say. i know la it seems a little like i'd want to por that person, but seriously you can't just go 'her hair color v not nice leh.' and sound like some catty person.
like if i were that person or her friend or whoever, i'd not be very happy can. i mean if i want to say something that sounds insulting i'll just freely say it, but my point is, if girls want to say it in the nicest possible way that their opinions differ (appearance-wise), you have to compliment first then say what you want to say.
proof that i will say mean things: was at Bec's, and there was this show and there was this girl. and i felt irritated by her face for i don't know what reason, so i was like 'i feel like punching her! and her eyes are supposed to be small one lor!you see her face built to have small eyes one why she have big eyes? and her eyes very big leh! why her eyes not small?!!!" -..-
ya okay that sounds quite harsh also lah. HAHA but her eyes are quite pretty cause they're damn big and round and lashes quite long, but i don't know lah just feel very gao wei.
ee this post makes me sound very hypocritical leh. but no lah if i want to say someone fat or ugly i'll just say, but chances are i won't cause i don't like it. and obviously i won't say someone is pretty or what if i don't genuinely think so and if someone isn't very nice looking and i think so too, then i will verbally agree la, but not in those very harsh tone for example: Ya! like damn fat only!. not ever.
k don't think anyone read this far anyway, like maybe only Cyn, if she bothers ): lolszxzx. HAHA, so ya congrats if you do.
actually all i wanted was to blog a few sentences, wish Mabel happy birthday, and say that i'm going to post all the photos up after tomorrow, since there'll be much more photos tomorrow and i'm damn lazy to edit and upload now, so yeah shall do it at one shot next time.
and i really think i'm fucking long winded.
LOL. kay sorry bye have to sleep, or maybe not cause if i go to sleep now i confirm can't wake up, and i haven't thought of what to wear. gah.
ain't nothing you can do about it.
ps: iiee muiishh yooszx. "yooszx" looks so annoying. faster come out lah damn.