Wednesday, May 20, 2009

time and time again.

deleted everything i typed down; was totally in a mood that was totally more depressed than this.

money issues got me feeling quite down; and some other stuff too.

had a talk with ______ just now. that idiot got some extra charge thing, equals to possible DB or extended confinement for 28 days.

and fuck la my dad wants to take back my sim card and all. FUCK. = to change number again.


fucked up.

anyway meeting up with Sebas on friday, haven't seen him since forever.

oh yeah back on the topic of ___________________.

found out some stuff that's totally astonishing. and some made me want to tear up or something. i have no idea why. just that stupid emotional instinct in me that's constantly on the alert or something.

but i really had a lot of mixed feelings about the whole situation. and a lot of little voices in my head making comments about the whole thing.

asked him "do you remember that girl i told you about who i really want to be friends with but we'll never ever be friends?"

some stuff i'd read and go "wtf so someone actually realized that!" in my head, etc. cause normally if i explained some theory of mine to anyone, they'd be totally 'HUH?! she's mad.' or like totally dismiss me, sad to say. LOL.

so yeah, had that thought for quite awhile, and when he told me that xxxxxxxxxx. i just had that urge to tell him who i was referring to. oh well.

oh yeah this reminds me. Cynthia Neo asked me to blog about this:

so basically, lately Mabel has been saying something about me 'being a bimbo', and when i asked her why, she said 'well big boobs and no brains, Liangjie agrees with me too!" or something like that.

lolssssss nice huh. like what the fuck. okay i can feel people going all critical or something from here.

so yeah i always tried to persuade her to think differently, but to no avail.

and i got sick of having Mingkang as a display picture, so i changed it, and Cynthia suddenly went:

cynthia says (9:37 PM):

Johanna says (9:37 PM):

cynthia says (9:38 PM):
*but u need ic or wat

Johanna says (9:40 PM):
*yeahhhhh. thats the prob. but . urgh

cynthia says (9:54 PM):
*eheh ur neh like v big in this phtoto

Johanna says (9:54 PM):
*sexy not
*no actually its not
Johanna says (9:55 PM):
*its just cleavage

cynthia says (9:55 PM):
*yea but ur neh big LOLOL

Johanna says (9:55 PM):
*LOL so is it a good thing or bad thing

LIKE WTF is wrong with people?! and they're not really big lor seriously. just maybe sometimes the stuff i wear accentuates them or something. (and no i'm not the kind of person who names my boobs like "minnie and daisy" or something. hell no.)

yeah back to the topic. so yeah that was with the boob thing.

then Sebas was telling me about some game thing and i got insulted again.


im waiting for the boss to spawn
*looking for entertainment now
Johanna says (10:04 PM):
*what game?
٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ♥Sebas. says (10:04 PM):
*titan online
*massively multiplayer online role playing game
Johanna says (10:04 PM):
٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ♥Sebas. says (10:04 PM):
Johanna says (10:04 PM):
*yeah i know what it makes
Johanna says (10:05 PM):
٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ♥Sebas. says (10:05 PM):
*u know
Johanna says (10:05 PM):
*fuck annoying
٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ♥Sebas. says (10:05 PM):
*mo siang online
Johanna says (10:05 PM):
٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ♥Sebas. says (10:05 PM):
Johanna says (10:05 PM):
*who the hell is mo siang
٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ♥Sebas. says (10:05 PM):
*u are stupid.
*mo siang online
*is the name of the game

so, thus concluded.

but no matter how many opinions there are about the me being a bimbo cause i've big boobs and no brains, I BEG TO DIFFER. and one substantial argument can just be how i've good language skills, though i employ the usage of 'Like' and 'Jiu" often. but yeah, those are just little speech hiccups, that shouldn't deviate away from the fact that I AM NOT A BIMBO.!!!!111!!!

AND! sometimes yes i admit i can be a little slow, in instances where i asked Mingkang what his chinese name was or something or the other, but that doesn't mean i'm not intelligent!

and Paris Hilton totally always acts dumb or something, which i think is very smart, cause then people will underestimate you and lower their guard.

SEE! CUNNING! :D so yeah thus proved that lim bu is not a bimbo/airhead/insert other words that means stupid here.

yeah so end of story.

meeting Mabel for some therapy tomorrow. Shoes, accessories, mani/pedis! wo lai leeeeeeeeeee!

i hope. >< style="font-style: italic;">xoxo
till you come around

ps: i don't expect anything from you. or rather, i can't. so what's more of us to expect? sigh. i miss you.

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