Tuesday, October 27, 2009


"left right left right"

i have a problem. i impulse shop a lot. as proven by today's trip to Daiso, i really can't quite control my spending and i end up with loads of question marks when i get home and really look at what i bought.

Yutong was kind enough to accompany me for an impromptu trip there, and he was the one pushing the trolley as i walked in front and kept tossing stuff into the cart. dinner at the food court after, and i can't help feeling scammed though it was only cai fan.

super tired!!!!! have to sleep early tonight, that's for sure. ended up sleeping at 6am. dratttttttttt.

okay shall go have some shut eye. photos up real soon. (:


ps: too bad, cause you're one of the ones who'll never look at me.

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