call me crazy but i'd wish for a superpower, to be able to know what people are thinking, or to know how to teleport, or change my appearance; with the latter, at least i'd be able to know what it feels like to be beautiful.
i guess there's something that everybody envies in someone else, no matter how perfect he/she is. thin, thin line between jealousy and envy, and it's hard not to stray into the darker of the two, though they're sins in their own right.
reading books about witches/vampires/lyncanthropes/fey/demons etc, can't be good for me. reading is a whole new world i can get lost in. how can people not enjoy being able to read? it's one of the greatest joys in this world, and it's being taken for granted in some countries, and held as a treasured gift in others.
but it's weird, cause i've developed urges to become a witch. :/ reading makes me go all foggy, like a persistent fever, robbing me of ability to do little but converse and read. plus the book seems to pull me into it, till i've finished reading.
okay i think i sound quite mad. oh well.
photos from that day with Lois at Taka: (am unsure if i've posted them up here yet)

A's heading for another trip to the blasted South China Seas. no offense, but i think no one knows how worried i get whenever he sails. blame it on an overactive imagination, but a little part of my mind never rests easy till he contacts me again. God, i am such a worrywart when it comes to him.
anyway, am reminded by Joey's blog that i need a new scent. am so tempted by the ones with vanilla scented notes in them..... plus i really really need a new wallet.
might be heading up/down to Malacca next week with the folks to get my CNY clothes. i hope that place doesn't disappoint me, cause it's been too too long since i've gotten any decent shopping. i love the thrill of getting home and trying on all my new purchases, but i hate the pang of disappointment i get when i get through them all, and realize that nothing's left.
and the craving for more clothes come again.....
doubt anyone really read till this point, except maybe for Cyn, since i've asked her to peruse this particular blog entry to see how i've gone quite mad.
i should be born in England or something. ah well. ttfn!
hush hush
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