Saturday, March 13, 2010

'Built to fall

mm watcha say/ mm that you only meant well/ well of course you did/
mm watcha say/ mm that it's all for the best/ of course it is 

so tell me, what's the next move? what am i supposed to do now? if only you knew.....

i've no more tears to shed for you, i've no more time to waste over you. and yet i've never really thought that you weren't worth my time. 

if you're reading this, i don't know what we'll be later on, tomorrow, or a week from now. if it ends up that one of us walks away, then it's meant to be. 

God knows that i've tried my damn hardest; i damn well did. And i've never loved another guy as much as i did love you. never tried as hard for any other person, even for those who really deserved it. 

but maybe this isn't about you and me now. maybe it's about you against the rest of the world, and me watching and waiting. and waiting. if you get this, than you would. i used to say, it doesn't matter what other people say, no matter how many objections there were. have you really understood the depth of what i meant?

i'd like to say that no matter what, i'll be by your side, but i won't. but no matter what, i'll still be here for you. as a lover, or as a friend.

somethings, just weren't built to last. 


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