Sunday, August 1, 2010


am feeling a tad weird, like i'm readjusting to something that i've been living without. and apparently i have been.

wd says i'm feeling weird because i'm insecure? and maybe i am. but i'd rather be feeling this way than all up in bliss and not knowing a thing. add that one issue to the pile of 'joh's issues' then.

thing is, i heard all that you've to say, that things aren't necessarily how they are, but face the fact baby, it's like butter and margarine cause technically things are kinda the same. (okay that sounded better in my head)

we've agreed that it's like a can't live with can't live without kinda thing. we get irritated and quarrelsome when we're together but when we're apart it's like there's a part of us missing.

i just need that..... assurance. you know? that no one else can ever take this away.

but then again, sometimes i wonder if we aren't just throwing this down the drain ourselves.

urg i hate relationships.

sheldon cooper ftw!!!!! totally love him. hehe


ps: banned from clubs/pubs/thai discos. you'll never catch me sucker.

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