photos from when Cyn and i went out the other day to catch a movie 'Going the Distance', starring Justin Long, Drew Barrymore and Cristina Applegate. thought it was really nice, though a little unrealistic? i guess to me relationships aren't really easy not to mention long distance ones. but then again, i have trust issues. so..... shrugs*
really need to get a decent camera. haven't taken photos in such a long while, save for the occasional camwhoring moments in toilets and what not.
think i'm falling sick. sleep isn't restful at all and i toss and turn aimlessly while dreaming of things that are lurking around in my subconscious. my throat hurts and my head feels heavy plus the bones in my body are killing me. i hate falling sick. and friends have been telling me 'you're always sick one la'. -.-
need some good websites to download songs. laptop got reformatted and it's so much faster and there's so much more memory space. (Y) absolute love.
shall go get some more rest before i meet Binghui later on. and maybe Cyn for some partying? i'm aware i need to study but i think what my body really needs is to go out. apparently i'm the kind of person who falls sick from staying at home. is there such a syndrome?
ps: i don't know who i've become.
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