well, so i'm supposed to be resting to get ready for tomorrow's project thingy, and it sucks cause i'm totally not ready for sleeping early, plus i can't quite sleep just yet considering i fell asleep at nine just now and woke up an hour later feeling totally refreshed.
anyhow, photos of ME! and some of Carson, and one of Binghui.
these are from my phone and so, more to come from my mum's digicam.

Carson's hair caught fire! it was classic i tell you. that idiot was trying to hear if his lighter still had gas in it, so he put it close to his ear and lighted it up. -..-

dinner with the cousins!

the rest really CMI cause of blurry phone = mine. so hopefully, another dinner coming up soon cause i really enjoyed it. (:

on the way to Batam, in the car.
Speaking of cars, Bc has been taking driving lessons! and it reminds me that i can't wait to turn 18 so that i can go get a license of my own, not to mention finally be legal to club. however, i'm kind of dreading it too cause that means i'll be another year older! officially. ):
though i admit there're more perks being eighteen then not. or are they equal?
had a discussion with dad in the car, about happiness and being content. the differences, and how it affects me. and i realize i've pretty much analyzed why i'm feeling this way and all, and joined in with human needs vs wants and stuff like that.
kept debating, and windbags like dad and i should never argue since it'll bring out a whole lot of discussions and all. plus i like to be right all the time. HAHA.
kay project with schoolmates tomorrow. 'OMG ELEVEN O CLOCK!' then maybe after that, solo trip around to get stuff, then maybe meeting Cyn to watch a movie at Bishan.
have got to sleeeeeeeeep. ): thank God for 'F.R.I.E.N.D.S.', and i'm on season 10 already eh how?!?!?!?!??! ))))): what's going to keep me company and make me laugh and laugh and laugh?
oh wellszx.
someone reminded me of the Rubber Band Theory, only he told me the story in a slightly different way. i guess that is the logic, but like what K has always said, 'but logic could never convince a heart.'
and i guess choosing to do the most logical thing isn't simple, and why do i still have to stand so convicted in what i want? 'nothing is impossible, and i'm going to turn the impossible to possible' - it's my turn now.
i'm going to try really really really really really hard, to show that i've changed. why can't my heart die already.....? and if only i can apply such determination to my schoolwork..... groans *
but Lord, i do hope my prayers will be answered. crosses fingers for luck *
kay off. haven't plan my schedule for tomorrow sial! and i just realized that there are a lot of projects that are due soon, and i've no fucking idea what to do.
omg and i realized that it's been damn long since i used the word fuck. !!!!! achievement!
okay okay really, ttfn!
please, please.
ps: we could be so much more. i can prove it, if only you'd give me the chance to. such a loser act, but you're what my heart wants, and i've never gone down without a fight. though it's a battle i'm not sure i'll win. not sure at all.
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