o yaaaaaa katherine mcphee's new single is out! and she dyed her hair blonde for the new album.
anyway, shopping today with Cyn darling at FEP. got a pair of shoes that look so pointed i have the urge to kick something to make them blunt, and two tops. many more online stuff, and i do hope that person passes up the MNG blazer. like wtf $28 bucks onlyyyyyyyyy..... cheap cheap!
oh ya and i'm so proud of myself! kept resisting impulse buys..... normally it's just 'grab and go' 'grab and go' without really thinking.
hurhur. wish i were one of those skinny bitches. can't even wear jeans properly w/o being afraid i'll look fat.

okay one photo -..-
i think i'm a lazy bum who can't be bothered to upload anything else. this was with M last Sat? we got eaten alive by mozzies, and i have 20 + bites on my legs though i was wearing stockings. like wtf and now my legs are covered with scars since i couldn't stop scratching on them.
damn horrible.
kay, i'm determined! :D made up my mind to save money and all. and i've that urge to put in my extensions again. I.WANT.LONG.HAIR.DAMN.IT. been whining since a long time ago..... and it's like growing.... so... damnnn... slowly......
Bec's hair is damn long lah! lol. i want kristen stewarts hair! i mean not the black and short one; the long chocolate brown one. damn nice!
anyway, i think i'm like quite over him already. HAHA. still will feel emo shitszx sometimes, but still..... i feel quite contented with my life i think, though it can be better. but i'm not those kind of girls who needs a boyfriend 24/7. i mean yes, it'll be nice. but seriously thinking about all the drama and shit for the past few months, i think i'd rather do without one for now.
anyway it doesn't really matter lah.
kay suddenly feel like eating maggie mee and playing billiard. damnnnn KEEP EATING AND EATING.
oh ya met Joeyzzzzz just now at Sengkang CC > R.Plaza. amazing the bond after all these years. HAHA she's a person i'd rather do with then do without! though i know i've always made her angry and all. awwwwww ><
and we were damn aunty, cause mac closed at 11 pm for some reason today, and there were a lot of people inside when the lights started switching off. then i looked at her and she looked at me..... then immediately she rushed out to book place so we can sit. hurhur aunties ftw.
okayyyyy. gtg wha lao control yourself appetiteeeeeee.
out of you.
ps: it doesn't matter (:
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