Tuesday, February 2, 2010


kinda gave up on changing my template. >:/ accidentally pressed the whole thing and wham! the whole thing was gone. okay luh. not really wham! but still.....

i think i've become fatter! it shows on my face, like whenever i've gained more weight, my face instantly gets pudgier. sad face*

i want a new digital camera! i just realized that even my mum's one is lousy. though it's pink and all..... plus my bb's phone totally CMI. i love pictures which are like..... so clear. but then again, clear pictures = revealing of my bad skin = not good. gah!

just watched 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' (i know i'm slow. put off watching cause it was so damn long), and it's so sad! my heart had that..... achey feeling. and i cried and cried and cried and cried. okay i'm a sucker when it comes to such movies. but not sad meh?!?!?!?!

okay no photos in this post. realized that i look damn fat in all of them. time to STOP EATING! hahahaha it's all a state of mindddddd.....

kay thx bye!


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