"wish you were here. NOT!"
am blogging cause i am so bored!!!!! i don't know what i'm doing home on a freaking friday night, but since i've got no $$$, i guess that's my only choice! A has went off for a sailing trip again. and it doesn't feel like i'm attached though we supposedly are back together..... fucking complicated only! ah well shan't think much about it. no point?
ahhh. meeting Jay tomorrow! been ages since i last saw him. heeeeeee. maybe catching a movie if possible, or just hanging out out out out out. (:
met up with T earlier. fuckerrrrrrrrrrr! and got a free meal and a ride home. HAHA
damn borrrrrred. need to start work real soon and start earning some $$$. kay. shall finish watching my show and continue painting my nails, blabla.
i feel like playing mahjong!kthxbye
ignorance is bliss.
ps: i guess i knew you were capable of such things, only i didn't think you were able to do it to me.
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