"to prove i survived the night"
so, that was a picture taken at sebas's place, or rather his playground, the night after..... never thought i'd be that glad to see sunrise, cause ho hum, then it's another day.
however, i dread dawn breaking now, because it'll then be another day closer to bighead's enlistment ):
and i simply hate pulling all-nighters for nothing, just to tire myself out so that i'll be able to sleep somehow, though it's usually at a very abnormal and unhealthy time; in the bloody morning, where everyone is up and awake doing stuff and i only wake up in the late afternoon without enough sleeping and forcing myself to wake up and get out of the house else i'll be stuck at home for the whole day. ):
typing blind now, cause i've finally taken out my contacts. oh yes, the itchy handed me went to remove my eyelash extensions too! BY MYSELF; resulting in very bald places where my eyelashes are supposed to be.
and karen was comforting me about it -..- but what the fuck it hurt like ..... all swollen and red like eewwwww, and now my eyes are like - ________ -, because of the fact that i didn't sleep much and no eyelash extensions/ au natural. (sp?)
and big head was like "see, this will teach you not to put fake stuff" okay lor. and he tried helping me to remove the extensions by rubbing the cotton pad filled with the eyemakeup remover, and he was damn not gentle lah! though i bet he tried his best to be already. -..-
didn't do much these few days. lazed around, ate and ate and ate/ fighting a losing battle. FUCK i feel like eating sushi. OKAY plaza later (: yummy yumm yummmmmmmmmszxzxzxzx -..-
okay SOME, photos up of wendy's chalet. since i had nothing to do in the past half an hour, i went to do some simple editing to make them look much much nicer (:
ohhhhh and maybe a nice foot massage with my mum. (did i mention i absolutely adoreeeee foot massages?)
and my photos are not uploading! damnnnnnnn. hate the internet connection after my parents changed to singtel's package thing with the mio tv crud. everything uploads/downloads/loads super super super super slowly!
okay the photos are here! :
Big Head & Fat Boy (they think they very cute)
Mabel & Wendy
Hongguo & Yilin
Mabel & John
alright doneeeeeeee. not much, but yeah my camera died on me, and those cheapo batteries i bought were absolute crap. this shall teach me not to buy suspiciously cheap stuff, except for maybe the tissues that john introduced me to. LOL he's a bigger aunty then i am!
bugger shitbag is still MIA-ing. wonder where the hell he is, cause I AM BORED, and no one is awake at this time. ):
okay off i go to do something important; EAT. fucking hungry. BUT OH MY FAT FAT FATS!
woke up next to you
ps: i'll be good.
pps: some weird person is talking to me on garena, asking for help for configuration. think he/she is porteguese or something. bad luck dude i'm a fucking garena/dota idiot.
ppps: and i was like, "configuration?" and he was like "yes, i no speak inguish, oh tank." what the fuck i can barely understand him. okay sorry crankkyyyy
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