"i love you like a fat kid loves cake"
got that from a b ooooook! like one of my all time favourites, though it's not one of those super thick and really bookish kinds.
God that reminds me. i've not read a new book for ageeeeees. except for the twilight series, but that's gotten stale, too quickly since i've read and re-read them over and over and over and over again. =/
i'm at park lane now, and i'm using the comp while waiting for them (darren big head jerold) to finish playing dota, but i doubt that will be anytime soon.
the keyboard is being a bitch cause it's super tough, like it's damn hard to type, and my fingers feel all achey. ))))): whines*
hmmmmmmm. pictures are in my camera, which is kinda d e a d. i want a new cam! my mum has that pink slidey one ):
OH YEAH. the parents bought a mahjong table and a nice gold majong set! (like finallllllly)! been teaching my mum and sisters how to play, like the nice and kind samaritan that i am.
-..- i want to shop! and i want to work. apparently that job offer from hy is for working at OCC. at either yishun or sembawang! hurhur. i won't mind yishun cause maybe i'll get to see cyn! <3
v-day is coming, and i have no idea what to get him. LOL. okay perhaps i do have a rough idea, but..... moolahs yo!
shall keep it a secret here in case he reads it :D
hmmmm. showed bighead celeste chen's blog and he was like "she'sveryuglyleh"
anywaessssszxzxzx. i'm bored! at a total loss for words regarding some issues. ><
mahjong-ed with the bitch and bryan and a friend of theirs who reminds me of miss chew. whb says meet up sooooon.
and i-don't-care tmr's the day! for my hair to be blaccccckkkkkkkkk,cause the roots are coming out and i have no more money for more re-dyings at salons, so it shall be good old DIY-ing, and hopefully b is really going to help meeeeeee.
sigh. mummy's cooking up a plan to get that perfume for me, "wait till i go without daddy, with daddy around he'll not let me buy." TEEHEE.
alright sebas is coming to parklane to meet me. say hiphip hurrrrrrayyyyy! hurhur haven't seem him since play, so yeah. :D gtg !
always yours.
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