met up with the Bitch for a late lunch in town. Crystal Jade food is deeelish, but i don't want to edit the photos of the food we ate now, cause i'm kind of hungry and there isn't anything to eat right now.

after, at Cathay. spent a super long time deciding what we wanted to eat. (Sakura, Astons, Billy Bombers?????)

the birthday boy!

at Billy Bombers' .

Mingkang getting slapped by Hong guo.
i have no idea what the hell is wrong with Singapore. everywhere is crowded eh. and i mean E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E. BBs was so full that we had to split up and sit separately.
have to remember to reserve places at Sakura when B books out this week. it's damn annoying when you're all geared up to eat some great sashimi and booom! those dreams are dashed cause of there being no seats available. well, the dreams of Hong guo, Mingkang and B anyway. but i was secretly relieved (HAHAHAHAHA), but quite annoyed too. i mean, you have to be on the WAITING LIST, to be on the RESERVATION LIST. waiting to be reserved. like seriously?!
okay one last photo.

maybe meeting Binghui for some chitchat? didn't meet Huiying after all, cause she had to leave early.
shall upload the rest of the photos tomorrow or something, or the next time i blog? maybe, but don't count on it.
and..... i feel slightly better now. no, much better, though there's still some unease lingering in the back of my mind. a miracle how a 'baby. xxxxxxxx. i love you!' can make me feel so much better. words, yes. but i believe he won't say it if he doesn't feel it.
so..... yeah, i'll curb my uneasy feelings, and proceed as follows. God, thanks for making me feel so much better.
okay, alright, alright, okay! -..-
meeting Cynthia on Tuesday i hope?
(: suddenly i have that super happy feeling again. mood swing officially over! -..- i sound like some retarddddddd.
kay byeee. <3 style="font-style: italic;">xoxo
still the king of my heart.
ps: baby, i do hope i have nothing to worry about.
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