Wednesday, April 29, 2009

i love you..... r money.

"desperately seeking love/truth/hope/wisdom"

hi, i need a lot of all the above. a,b,c and d.

am being really bored right now, so i decided to go and talk to this guy whom i knew through my cousin. i think his name is Ronald. HAHA.

so yeah. talking to him reminds me of..... days back when i was easily satisfied, young and naive. HAHA oh yeah so i'm some kind of wizened old biatch that's seen much more than i should have?

hell no, but i kind of feel like it sometimes.

like i'm all aged and heavy and wrinkled inside.

so yesterday, some things went down, and reassurances were given, but not in a very comforting way.

still don't know what to think, and i guess i'm just gonna choose the escape route.

and now the question is; to lie, or not to lie?

cause i know i'm worth more than that. and i know that in some ways i'm already over the whole thing.

okay guess i'm talking in mumble jumble.

shall go attempt to L4D with my sisters, before a coffee with Mabel and Hk Cafe with Justin to help him do his bloody homework.

i'm such a kind soul. hehe.

bye .

and....., i really hope things will work out. Please, Lord. Amen.

straight from your heart.

ps: i can't trust you, don't want to trust you, don't want you in my life anymore. and yet this heart is going against all my wills, guess i always want what's bad for me. dearest, please please, prove me wrong.

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