"she's miss america, and i'm just the girl next door."
deleted my whole previous post, which was full of stupid ramblings, and went to edit some photos.
spent the day hiding at home, cause oh hurray was feeling quite unwell actually, stomachaches, slight fever and headache plus some kind of naseous feeling.
but most of it is gone already, guess i just really needed the rest, though my head is feeling kinda heavy, and my whole body aches.
i want my hair to grow longer lah! and i really need to dye my hair. or something. >< okay photos. fat face fat face fat face, i should learn how to smile with my eyes open.

oh yeah btw, Karen and i ran into the aunty who used to clean toilets (the aunty in the picture above), and she's a totally sweet aunty la! like we'd always see her around Hougang Mall sometimes, and i don't think she's working already. anyway, we saw her that evening after Huibing's celebration, and wah found out something very sad manszxzx.
apparently she suffered a stroke recently, but luckily she's able to walk around already, but her right side is a little awkward still, and it's a little hard for her to speak properly. but she kept reassuring us that she's fine and all. gave her hugs and took a picture with her. i'll always remember this aunty lor she's damn nice one.
makes me realize how fragile life is, and yeah the thing about 2012 on Joey's blog. made me think quite a bit on the world ending and human life and all.
told that idiot Big Head about it, and all he said was 'you think too much'. but somethings really can't be helped what, but true la, so what if the world's really going to end?
just do whatever you want to that'll make you happy now (which doesn't include stupid things like robbing banks or raping people or something) but isn't that something you have to do already?!
okay wait never mind.
i think i'm really kinda superstitious sometimes, like i dislike people tapping my shoulder (or touching me unnessecarily(sp?) for that matter, but especially not my shoulder or back), and i believe a lot in the 'eyelid twitching' thing. -..-
HAHA. i remember it was taught by Jason Yap. like got some 'xi nv ai le' thing, left to right. and till today i'm still verrrryyyyy superstitious about this.
and............................. urghhhh i don't know lah.
supposedly letting go, but yet not trying to. apparently keeping a distance, and yet being closer.
i guess i need some ..... ?!?!?! idk . finding someone to talk to, i'm so fucking bored.
do you mean those words, or were they just meant to placate me? am i just supposed to accept whatever you say, when somehow the point of it all was lost in the midst of all the angst?
i love the sound my keyboard makes when i'm typing.
-..- random much?
okay off . i'm so fucking b.o.r.e.d. i feel like clubbing . to the maxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!
byebye (:
your weakness .
ps: torn between __________________________ .
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