yes, it's 4.08 am, and i'm totally aware of the fact that i have to be up by eleven, but i'm re-watching gossip girl and chatting online.
cyn just sent me this totally stupid video, and she keeps asking me to watch stupid videos. -..-
and i'm hungry! craving for some

well, not tomato, but you get what i mean lah.
and i have the urge to buy that neutrogena wave thingy that's being advertised everywhereeeeeee. it seems super fun to use and it's in pink. and vanessa hudgens is advertising it. i swear that girl is totally gorgeous, and i hope zac efron really isn't gay, cause they look so totally cute together!
and on a totally seperate note, i can't believe mariah carey and nick cannon are still together.

to further prove my point. IT'S SO WEIRD LA! and how do you spell seperate? separate? LOL. took some spelling bee thing on fb, and it turns out that my spelling is totally atrocious.
and .....

wonder if they really can see anything. looks damn weird la! hahahaha
oh ya this was part of something i wanted to blog about: the wonders of makeup!
damn magical i tell you. the difference is like O.O
showed liangjie this web i saw of the transformation of this other girl, and it was really jaw dropping, though not as much as the one in the video. makes me want to go slap on all that make up and all cause wha lao the difference is astounding!
but i wouldn't really be bothered to put on makeup every single day. as in go through all those steps. but i like looking at cosmetics. super pretttttyyyy. but with my skin now i can totally forget about wanting to put anything cause urghhhh. skin get better please?! feel like buying that pore reducing thingy.
and i'm like talking to myself .
wha lao i want moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy please. and how many calories are there in milo? cause i've had three cups and i'm still hungry but i'm thinking of lunch later and sakura maybe. so like eat for what sial.
-..- okay retarded.
one more day till bighead is out! i need some comforting hug from him. grahh. somehow the bad stuff just go away. okay they don't but they don't feel as in my face as usual.
oh ya and that day i was having a slight fever, and this super freaky thing happened. cause we were on the phone and i told him that i had a slight fever. so he asked me to ask it to go over to him. then i asked him.
Me: okay what's the address of your current location?
B: blablabla xxxx bunk xxxx room dno what dno what.
Me: okay. it's on it's way over now. tomorrow or something will reach.
-..- okay i know it sounds very lame. but the next day he told me.
B: eh B, you know what?
Me: what.
B: you know yesterday i ask you to pass the high fever to me right?
Me: ya why?
B: my bunk mate sleeping in the bed beside me right, he got high fever today.
WTF RIGHT?! like damn coincidence right. i think i mailed it to the wrong bed -..- or it went to the wrong bed. okay lame la. but it's really quite freaky in a way. but his bunk mate is quite ke lian, cause apparently he has to have an IV drip in his arm, but he still can't go home, cause the camp doctor didn't want to let him go home. >.>
okay i suddenly feel giddy. oh ya this reminds me. cynthia PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop being a lao ren and go see a damned doctor.
on another note. i think my dad wants me to become a doctor or a lawyer or something. and he asked me to be a nurse. -..- pity i don't really have an interest in that. grah. but i think it's his life long pity that he wasted so much time, and couldn't have the chance to study in the direction of being a doctor or a lawyer. cause my dad's real intelligent. he really is, and i'm proud of him . awwwww.
okay i'm really feeling giddy. btw i'm going to the mirror to check out my hair. LOL. i wna dye it or do something to it soon. bye.
everyday, before my head touches the pillow.
ps: as we go on, we remember. all the times we've had together.
and as our lives change, come what ever,
we will still be,
friends forever.
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