more pictures than usual! but not that many though; just a few from the past few days. -.-
anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIM HONG GUO! though it's already past twelve = 1st of September/October (can't remember which comes first -..- i sound like such a stupid stupid)
HAHA. hope you enjoyed your birthday (:
oh ya i've lots to grumble about later regarding today.@$&*)@! doubt anyone will really read though.
pictures up first! and i have a lot of mirror shots. -..- no idea what's my problem.
Chinatown with Bec. we went to buy cloth and stuff. kept her waiting for around an hour or so><

Saturday night with Cyn and some others whom i think will be better not to mention:

Today, with Karen, Baochuan and Kendra (K's friend). Met up with K and Bc at Hougang Mall. was late, so i didn't get the chance to go back to school and see ex-classmates like Yiheen. heard from Carson that he was there and that he became more buff!
anyway, headed to Cathay for some sushi at 99 cents each. K headed off with Kendra after.

Bc looks super cute luh! i like her hair now (:
then it was off to meet Hongguo, Yilin, Matthias, Juncheng, Mingkang, Aldrin and Huishan. phone was running out of battery so i didn't take much photos. most of them are with Yilin so i shall just steal them when she uploads. hehe
oh ya we bought scratch cards! and it was damn bo liao, sitting at TCC using coins to scratch away the silver thingy, and Mingkang kept complaining that i didn't know how to play properly since i just scratched it away, without using their technique, which was to scratch away slowly with a lot of anticipation -..-

FD4 after, and thank God K was at Plaza Sing. as well, cause i couldn't get in..... knn! damn pissed off LOL i personally blame it on the ticketing people being fucking kiasu and for the rest for being so damn tall that they totally made me look like a dwarf.
seriously they are like damn tall. or maybe it's me but i think i'm gonna start wearing heels around already! lol
i nearly threw a tantrum cause the guy wouldn't let me in and he recognized me from before. damn annoying. said something really bullshitty like 'i gave you the wrong ic cause i was covering the face before. i took my sister's ic.' then he was like 'why sister both 1991?' in that fucking skeptical way.
then i totally bombed and said 'you mean i can't have step-sister?'
-..- then he totally didn't wanna let me in and went to get his manager. THANK GOD i tell you the manager was nice cause they were like looking at my face and K's photo and saying how i didn't look alike. and i said it was cause it's an old photo and i had makeup on. -..- then the manager just asked me her ic number and date of birth. luckily clever me already memorized it on the way up.
okay that's how i managed to get in-..-
LOL. met Cyn after when the rest went for the buffet. then wandered around alone for a bit after she had to rush off, then met up with them again and went to Hg's place for cutting of cake.
okay that's all i'm off. my fingers are super tired and achy from all the typing and msn-ing.
mahjong tomorrow at John's, then Rebel on thursday with Ben and his friends! (:
i like~ HAHA body still feels achy from two nights ago.
kay byebye lovelies! <3
ps:the one they all want.
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