Wednesday, September 2, 2009

gonna redye my hair.

Bec came over to help me do it, but i don't think i'm gonna ever attempt diy-ing my hair again; color didn't come out plus i think my hair got darker.

gonna call up some home-based salon in Tampines to do my hair later on. hope it turns out well, cause i totally don't feel good about my hair now. ):

and Joey is totally gonna say i do too much to my hair. been dying and redying it over and over again since two years ago. maybe on average three months once? or maybe not so much but i know i dyed my hair many times.

kinda feel like going back to the lighter shade plus highlights, but i feel so fucked up with my fringe.....

urggggggggggggg. sucks >:[ i need a change!

can't wait for thursday.


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