Tuesday, September 8, 2009

maybe it's just me

"the way we were"

amazingly i survived a day out without sleeping! (okay i cheated. half an hour napping in that studio place.....)

spontaneous trip to TP; decided to meet up with Binghui and kill my boredom and insomnia by hanging around doing nothing, but supposedly 'studying'.....

fucking tired now, swear. my mind's in a daze now and all i feel like doing is sleeping. see i can't even form proper sounding sentences and i'm typing weird looking words too.

after Tp > Karen's place to pass her stuff > Joe's Corner > Home.

today has been an exhausting day, though it was nice meeting new people, and analyzing them after. quizzed them on that relationship psychology test i took yesterday, and the answers were quite funny, some?

and heard ghost stories from Leo, i really like the way he talks and expresses himself, cause it's really very vivid and i can totally imagine the whole scenes play out as he describes what went on, plus he's one of the few people who maintain eye contact.


i wanna c-c-c-c-club!

got annoyed with a lot of stuff today too, flared up at small matters, think i don't take other people that seriously anymore. guys especially.

we watched best of gore today. omg besttttt..... made me feel quite sick actually. guts and brains and all spilling out on pavements, autopsies, executions, skulls cracked open..... cooooooool right, but i really don't want to end up like that.

okay shall go catch some zzzzz's. mahjong tomorrow i think? else it'll be lying on my bed K.O-ing till maybe the day after. hahahaha, yes that's how tired i am.

photos up asap.

i don't have anything to hide.

ps: everything, everything. i wonder what it was.

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