"sunshine after the rain"
whassup luvs.....?????? HAHA.
it's 3:50 am, and my brain is starting to hurt after trying to be good at dota. LOL! i shall slowly build my skills up up and away! people should be more encouraging UNLIKE John, who says i'll still suck next year.
insert sad face here*
anyway, meeting up with K for lunch tomorrow at NYP.
yesterday it was Sebas's place > Parklane > Plaza 2 meet Dweeps > Home.
okayyyyy. so, made some decisions, and i'm trying to stick to em. two days and counting! hopefully 2 days will evolve into 2 weeks into 2 months, and so on and so forth. i need a new boyfriend lah, or some new friends.
maybe Butterfact on Weds with some random guy from facebook? or Powerhouse on the weekends with him and his friends. -.-
okay, shall be back with photos tomorrow, after lunch with K.
so, back to more dota. had one round with Shawn and Theodore, and one round on my own. i think it's damn funny when playing with public, and the unknown people start to kpkb cause i'm damn noob, and friends whom i'm playing with, like yesterday, will say something like 'she's a girl lah first time playing'
and the people will shut up, or immediately become much nicer. hahahahaha.
but anyway, i don't really like it that the 'she's a girl lah' was used. i mean..... that's just so sexist! though it does help cause i don't get scolded, but that's just saying that girls can't be as good as guys isn't it?! which is totally not true!
like that day we were playing pool and i was moaning about how much i suck. and Bh was like 'no? you're good for a girl!" okayyy i luv bh and all, but also can't like that say ma. doesn't mean that guys really will be better than girls? though ya i admit i suck at male-dominated games but that doesn't mean that females will lose ah.
-.- okay never mind. being female does have a lot of perks, like people carrying your stuff for you, holding doors, letting you in first, treats everywhere, drinks paid for blablablablabla. but aiya i think i just don't like it when females get underestimated, though it's good when you shine unexpectedly and that makes the dudes go all like 'WOAHHHH'!
okay enough rambling. hehe shall go train somemore. dota = good for late nights. though i think i'm getting sick of it already. short attention span!
ooh yeah and i wanna learn the guitar. PERFECT GUY HAHAHAHAHAHA. >< i've a plan. kay TTFN.
not in comparision
ps: i'm putting you away, shutting that door, locking it up tight and throwing away the key.
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