Wednesday, July 1, 2009

keeping the peace

"lean on me, you're supposed to; and i'll be here for you."

dog tired, and it's in the AMs and i'm supposed to be all tucked up and asleep by now so that i won't be late for school tomorrow, but here i am blogging and chatting with beloveds online. so so glad for the internet, cause recently i haven't been relying on my phone much, except to communicate with my dearest Bb.

well, so the class is quite interesting; contents of the lessons, and the lecturers. one of 'em practically announced that he's gay in a roundabout, in your face way. hehe

but the FML part is coming: almost all of my classmates know each other already, from that previous certificate they took, so all those little 'clique' things have already formed = NO FRIENDS FOR ME! LOL.

awwww shucks. -..- we'll see though. maybe i can get my mouth to open and interact.

met up with Mum after school, and went to Vivo. ate some japanese food that was darn yummy! and shopped around. the most exasperating thing was that the shoes i wanted weren't in my size! damn annoying lah! and the shopowner said that a girl just bought the second last pair in the store, which were in my size. fuck it i tell you.

and i swear i'm going back to fareast and get the fake pair. LOL. cannot stand it lah really. I WANT THOSE SHOES! and i want the faded grey denim wash jacket that i had my eye on at FEP. damn it not enough money!

oh yeah the 'aftermath of the first day of school' (some of the dears will know what i mean. HAHA shhhhh!) was spent at FEP. met up with Mabel and Xuanming and Darren at FEP. shopped around and i bought a pair of shoes, while M bought dresses and all. i need more shoes/bags/tops/bottoms/accessories(sp?)/dresses and all.

went for a manicure with M after dinner with Xm, while D was finishing up his tattoo. it looks really nice; the tattoo i meant. completed with a 'lamppost' -..- makes the urge for tattooing myself even stronger.

when i'm rich, when i'm rich. and the chanting in my head continues.

meeting up with Bc on Thursday i think? most hopefully! haven't seen her since April 19th = Huibing's birthday! (Weewee's birthday too!) and we've been saying we'll meet up since forever.

and Bb's booking out on friday! and then maybe finally we'll be able to spend more time together. haven't really been talking much lately, save for a few messages and phone call every night to just talk about what happened during the day and all. but i've to save more money, since we're pretty much a very broke couple. ><

oh yes! and karaoke with Shiqi and Eve next week to celebrate Shiqi's belated birthday! been ageeeeeees since i saw Shiqi lah! and we haven't been contacting for damn long too!and to think last time it would be meeting her almost every week with Eve! like what she said, a lot of things to fill me up about, and vice-versa, so hopefully we'll be able to catch up then! anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR I LOVE YOUUUU!

alright, a million movies i want to catch (alright maybe not a million), but no time/money = ))))):

and! i want to change phone leh! blackberry/iphone where are youuuuuuuuuu! i just want a nice phone that i can bling plus got wifi and all one! ))))): but it's so freaking ex!

kay i think it's bed time. else i won't be able to wake up in time tomorrow! though classes are at 3 in the afternoon..... i don't doubt my ability to oversleep and be late. LOL.


oh yeah a few photos to post up too! of that meetup with Bec and Cyn, and Huishan's birthday! (once again shall steal from her Fb! HAHA)

so..... those who are interested, keep watch on this space! (:

goodnight dearies!

with all of your love.

ps: baby i miss you.

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