ditto for msn.
edited yet again:
finally! both msn and blogger is working as per normal. (: photos of last week with Boo.

yes i know i'm fat. shut up.
tao huay with K and Bc today. didn't go to school cause i was feeling unwell (GENUINE OKAY!) but after some rest i felt better, so off i went. bought my jacket at long last! two weeks of thinking about it, and finally! my online purchases here i come!
dinner with the cousins cancelled, but thai food with Bec tomorrow! love love love meetups with dear ones.
been having bad dreams recently, one after the other. there was one time a few days ago at Bb's place. we were sleeping, and i was dreaming of this weird person who wanted to attack me or something. instead of running away, i wanted to hit him back. (pretty sure it's a him) and so in the dream, i turned and wanted to whack him with my hand, and before i whacked him, i suddenly woke up and opened my eyes, to see Bb sleeping peacefully infront of me. i think i turned over to face him when i was sleeping, and my hand was almost infront of his face lah! like a few inches more and it'll come smacking right down. and i'd bet he'll be damn angry to be woken up like that. >
till i see you again.
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omg lahhhhhh fuck weewee's making me feel damn horrible. I HATE DOING THINGS WITHOUT THINKING. damnnnnn now it'll seem like i'm some kind of wanna act one friendly.
LOLLOL. and i swear i'm not like that!!!!! WTFFFFF. !?!!!!?!?!! LOLLOL. mentally strangled myself.
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