Friday, June 19, 2009

we are what it is, we are what we make it

"love, no ?"

so, i went and did it again.

feel like deleting my blog, sudden urge, random thought. there's nothing to blog about anymore, cause after all, what's on this space are just my thoughts, and these days the words just sound ten times better when in my head. no sense when it's out and said.

quarreled, again.

and thank God for darling Cyn and Bec. though Bec made me tear up because of her message. i luvvvvvvvvvvvv you 22222 lots.

and somehow i'm just sitting here wondering about those possibilities, i know it can go either way, i mean, if i want to let it slip away, it'll just go through my fingers, and it's a brand new day.

i was thoughtless, selfish, like i always am. maybe cause i've always thought about how important he was, thought about how i never seemed to be.

and somehow i've missed what he was trying to say all along.

i miss you.

even though we've seen each other every day since, i miss you.

even though i'm going to meet you later, i miss you.

cause i dont know what i want, and what's right for me anymore.

love, maybe i didn't in the first place.

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