"the ones you hold dear, the ones you hold near."
wow that is one kick ass damn fucking hugeeeeee photo. -..-
stole it from K's ellejay, and i assumed she resized it cause it looked smaller, but it looked a tad weird. then i stole it and cnp-sted it, and in the end i think she just pulled the arrow buttons to resize. LOL.
anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONCE AGAIN BEST ONE! though it's already over, cause it's 5.31am now.
woke up, bathed changed, got delayed, and went over to cathay to look for them (baochuan, karen, yutong, samuel) they had astons, and the pictures in K's ellejay makes me hungryyyyy.
talked talked talked, then we went over to the museum for some camwhoring, and got chased out of the exhibition rooms with a 'do you have a ticket?" LOL ))))):
but we still managed to get some nice photos (as nice as you can get with a camera phone), and stuff like that, so more pictures when i actually get to get home to upload&edit them.
then it was public transport to sebas's place for some mahjong! but first we went to dinner at some place in siglap (his mum, his grandmum, his brother, his girlfriend, him, and i), called 'LeViet', for some vietnamese food, and i had the chicken soup, and it was deeeeelish! cabbed back for mahjong though i fell asleep.
i kinda miss the hugging ______ to sleep part. though when i woke up, somehow the ache was lesser, or i got better at standing it.
and thankkkkkkkks to all the people who careeeee. i love you guys loads kay. like seriously. and i'll be here toooooo. though it won't seem like it.
okay, my turn soon. come back soooonly!
'ta fuckerrrrrrrrs!
it's just that
'i can't stand to let us go this way',
screaming in my head.
ps: i wouldn't go down without a fight, but i might if there's nothing left to fight for. but i think there still is. i know there still is.
pps: imy,ily, x1000 x infinity.
pps: and you said, "_________________" and i said, "_______________"
nochalance was never my strongest point, you were always my biggest vice,
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